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With each passing day the transformation of our world is accelerating, the human race is pushing our once thriving planet past the point of no return.Whether actively or passively due to their apathyso many in our population are actually participating in their own demise, it is not just the watch for women 2018 smart insane power-brokers who are to blame.
What would any rational individual conclude about the self destructive behavior of humanity? The latest installment of Global Alert News is below.Some will tell us that our efforts to awaken the masses to what is unfolding is futile and pointless, but, in fact, such an effort is the point and purpose of being.
Why are we here? If not to fully face the unvarnished truth, if not to fully engage in this epic battle for the greater good, then why? Every single individual that our combined efforts help to awaken matters in ways that none of us can yet fully watch for women 2018 smart.
Every single additional awakened individual helps to tilt the scale in the right direction, helps to alter our current course of certain near term demise.When trying to wake others to this critical issue, sharing credible data from a credible source is the most effective and efficient strategy.
Bonnie the owner of Lawrence and Associates Engineering Firm, stated that they will not participate in the testing for elements in precipitation, because they do not believe in Chemtrails is ridiculous, in total denial and a flat out lie.
One would think that if they are a firm, that tests for such elements, that they would already believe and know the elements are present in the environment.That is like a mechanic saying keep driving your car, we do not believe that if the cars engine runs out of oil, the engine will not be damaged if you continue driving the car without oil!
Bonnie and her firm do not want to face backlash from acedemia and the government etc.What a cowardly act by Bonnie and her firm!!!! It is interesting and difficult to follow the dovetailing of this section with the intent of the overall process….
Dane and his legal teams watch for women 2018 smart the U.Please refer to Dane's "Legal Actions" tab for more information.These lows are too low for this time of year.
Obviously artificial ice nucleated lows.Without a shred of doubt the military Monsters watch for women 2018 smart The Ones most responsible for killing our planet, since they have soooo much conflict inside themselves and they stupidly believe that killing everything in sight is somehow The Answer, to exactly which I have no idea.
Here's the current state of how their insanity is affecting our planet: And Watch for women 2018 smart forgot mentioning about the stealing of the rains that is made with the electromagnetic transmissions, when the humidity fronts the massive nebulosity formations are saturated with the metallic nano particles coming from the aerosols.
These fronts of nebulosity after the spraying, or are destroyed and totally scattered by these electromagnetic transmissions or are driven away to other distant places by the same EM transmissions.These monsters are literally stealing the rain from some regions where the rain should occur to other regions far away.
Many and many here in the site know about these issues, I'm talking for the newcomers on the site, mostly if they are from South America.People must understand that in Tropical regions there are two seasons; the dry season where normally rains once or twice every week or every month, and the season of the rains where the rain falls with great regularity.
This is variable within the Tropics, but generally there are only two seasons; one season with very regular rains and with a period of very strong rains in the middle of this season.Other season, with absence of rain during some months or with intercalated periods of weak rain and weeks of dry weather.
The ecosystem of the region is of great importance for weather influence even inside the Tropics.Near tropical Forests, the Rain falls near or over the Forests or secondary woods, because Forests mainly in the Tropics, produce a lot of rain.
But if the ionosphere is heated by the electromagnetic transmissions haarp and if the rest of the climate engineering techniques are in use, the case is very different.The high pressure zone is created out of the seasonand the drought can last almost forever.
In some videos it is possible to see many big clouds in the sky, but there is no rain, month after month.It's like in Southern Europe, in my region — Iberian Peninsula.Dane and ALL, Please take 20 minutes to view this video.
It is an elected official reading some excerpts from a watch for women 2018 smart blowers document.Yes the gentleman spoke a few of the expected "political" blah blah blah.
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Myself, I got passed that quickly.It's the point at hand and that it was all being recorded that's important.The Lavoy Finicum murder hit close to home in my life style.Watching it on you tube was a bit over the top and in all of our faces.
Anyway, back to point.I'd like to know what you folks think of the way the elected official spoke out.
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All observers knew what was coming.A hundred horses died an undue death.Like, Native land leases and the infinitely corrupt BLM.One way and another they destroy the land they are supposed to be protecting.They are the ones who chain dragged down the pinion trees in Nevada when they were healthy and plentiful and fed the people.
And not long after the mob moved into Las Vegas.They wanted the pinions uprooted to seed Nevada!!!!
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So stupid, so wrong and so first thought Bundys greedy idiots for running watch for women 2018 smart and on BLM land to boot.Began to wonder if they did know anything about that old mining law from that is causing this mining boom, must get rid of that law.
It was said that Bundy's property sits on top of mining reserves that someone was scoping out.Thought that had to do with Burns County Oregon, where the uranium mind was to be and what I cared about was sage grouse, protected there.
A favorite bird of mine.Cowboys had no clue.Just greedy cattle pushers.
Figuring they should get to use BLM lands if they want and for free and uh, no.It is pretty clear.The shame so glaring the whole thing stopped and shut down and charges dropped.The issues I brought up, still for grabs.This Representative seems a straight arrow kind of guy, looks like a wholesome Fed!
He's got an air tight case here.
I can't believe he'd know anything about anti geoengineering, nor, be open to it.But, I do think he would be honest and not dismissive.

But, you know, he seems to have faith in Trump and Zinke and that does not bode well.On the other hand, this is 'old'.Our "government" is no longer proceeding in any sort of linear process when it comes to property and citizens' rights.

Certain agencies unauthorized by the will of the American people hire mercenary bastards such as those who attempted to steal Clive Bundies property.Justice has now been watch for women 2018 smart.Thanks for that video link.
The Washington State Representative is an upstanding person and deserves a huge applause and support for going on YouTube and exposing the rot in law enforcement at the federal and state levels.A militarized mentality has subverted legit local law enforcement.
Watch for women 2018 smart amazing to see an elected representative actually speak out about a real coverup and go on record openly speaking about corruption in our law enforcement which should be protecting us.Too many of these employees, eager for the Almighty Dollar in the form of a paycheck and pension, just were not brought up right.
As Jerry Brown said of Trump, they are not "God-fearing" people.The Dollar is all-powerful in their puny twisted little heartless "minds.Helping matters is that most computer models appear to agree on the broad scenario that's likely to play out.
Indications are that in the near-term, colder and stormier conditions than average are likely for Western Europe and much of Eurasia during the rest of February into early March.Called a local TV station and asked how the sunny day they predicted this was in Ohio a few days ago had become cloudy with the pluming spray clouds that made the sky cloudy.
New word is filtered sunshine.
Watch for women 2018 smart Smart watch phone review onlineTV weatherman thinks or acts.I say don't you have time lapses of your sky.Finally got pissed at this TV asshole and asked him what script he is reading off of? How can any of us make a difference if our own networks have been programmed to hide the truth?
Non stop rain in Ohio, up and down temps, I hope the spray pilots breathe their shit, get cancer and die.It is a crime against humanity and no one can or will help us.We are all crazy and the millions in this country who worry about Me Too movement don't even react to the poison their kids are breathing Shameful.
What if there were already cures but they were being supressed for maximum profits? What do chemo drugs and HIV drugs cost? Who profits and how much more do the profit by not curing said diseases? There are some straight up evil people running our watch for women 2018 smart and much of the world and our first and best hope is rooting them out.
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