Mobile on r/watchpeopledie to how access

Mobile on r/watchpeopledie to how access - Exploitation on the internet? The morality of watching death online

So has most active members, Reddit admins and the media.It was answered in a pinned thread by multiple people, where an admin asked why people visit the subreddit.It should not be seen as a place that encourages violence but rather one that wards us from violence.

Reddit Quarantines a New Wave of Subreddits, Including CringeAnarchy and WatchPeopleDie

I have seen videos of school shootings, suicides, ISIS kills, police brutality, and more that helped me realize the horror of those situations, by putting me right in the center of them.Death is real, and watchpeopledie is a constant reminder of that.

To remove this sub would be to try to bury reality, to prevent people from witnessing these horrors would do far more harm than good.Even if this sub is surrounded by death, I believe its outward affect on Reddit and its users is undeniably postive.

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You wanna talk about not being prepared for death? This sub showed me a lot before I had to see it in real life.Nothing can prepare you for seeing someones mellon get squished, but this sure made me aware of what I was gonna see.

I don't get upset over it anymore because I've seen it enough on here and in real life to be comfortable with death.

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This sub isn't full of psychopaths or sadists, this is a group of people who like myself value life and understand just how quickly a normal day goes wrong.This subreddit does not glorify death, nor make it hilarious like Ways to Die.

A drunk, topless woman gets her head smashed against a street sign.A depressed kid walks right in front of a train.

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The village boys all simultaneously light-out, when they were helping out with an electric pole.An ISIS fighter stuck under suppressing fire.A falling rock hits an unlucky woman, with a lucky CCTV footage.I browse watchpeopledie because of morbid curiosity.

I know all of us here: Why is it still on reddit? Content Policy - Reddit explains that it is forbidden to share content which:.Watching people die, by itself, is not illegal.The subreddit is not encouraging people afaik to get its members to videotape deaths, but filming deaths is also not illegal.

There is also no encouragement at all to kill or die to fill up the subreddit dying is not illegal in mobile on r/watchpeopledie to how access areas, murder is illegal in most areas.Porn, gore, death, extremely weird stuff… Those will likely get an employee fired.

Watchpeopledie exists because of a community of people who have embraced, or are embracing death as a normal part of life.It still exists because it has no reason, according to Reddit, not to.

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There was a BBC documentary following a man who was dying, he wanted to show people how he dealt with death and all of the associated issues.Death is a part of our cycle of life, everyone who is born dies at some point, it is something of a taboo subject because we do not like to be made aware of it.

It very much depends on the way it is presented, but seeing somebody die is actually not that confronting, it is something we all must face and experience.

How to subscribe to /r/watchpeopledie on a mobile.

So if the presentation is tacky, or criminal then obviously it needs to be dealt with.Otherwise, if somebody willingly decides to have their death filmed, it could be educational, we need to have a healthy attitude towards death.

mobile on r/watchpeopledie to how access

And in some cases, I'd argue, macabre videos paint an honest, uncut picture of how ugly the world can really be.Something Hollywood and the media do an insufficient job at.Ask New Question Sign In.The must-play city building game this year.

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Content Policy - Reddit explains that it is forbidden to share content which: Looking for a Twitter follower growth tool? Try CommunIt, the Twitter follower management tool.Try for free today.What are some must-follow subreddits?

What do the subreddits "gggg," "ggggg" and "gggggggg" mean? Do you object to films of babies being born? It is mobile on r/watchpeopledie to how access in the way it is done.Because watching people die isn't illegal.

mobile on r/watchpeopledie to how access

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What are some good subreddits? What are some popular unmoderrated subreddits where anything goes? How many websites are there?

mobile on r/watchpeopledie to how access

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